Conservation Initiatives

The Bay Ecotarium is committed to developing future environmental champions and informing decision makers and the public about the importance of watersheds and how their actions can help. We focus on five critical areas including:

Sea Shells

Bay & Ocean Protection

  • Ensure that enough healthy freshwater reaches the Bay and nearshore coastal waters to support viable fish and wildlife populations, key habitats, and ecosystem productivity
  • Promote the creation and proper management of marine and estuarine protected areas in the Bay, coast, and ocean
  • Eliminate or reduce the harmful effects of toxic pollution, plastic, other debris, and invasive species on Bay and ocean fish, and wildlife and habitats

Sea Shells

Bay & Watershed Health

  • Secure river flows throughout the watershed that support spawning, rearing and migration of salmon, steelhead, and other fishes and aquatic wildlife
  • Re-establish large-scale, interconnected habitat corridors to support fish migration and ecosystem productivity
  • Rid the ecosystem of toxic trace elements, pesticides, fertilizers, trash, and other contaminants entering the watershed

Sea Shells

Fish & Wildlife Protection

  • Secure and enforce legal requirements, improved protections, and promote complementary policies for endangered species and their habitat
  • Promote initiatives that rebuild sustainable commercial and recreational fisheries
  • Conduct field conservation and research activities to improve our understanding of species needs

Sea Shells

Climate Change Adaptation

  • Design and promote green infrastructure projects that use restored wetlands and floodplains to counter sea level rise and flooding effects on local communities and the ecosystem
  • Develop innovative water management approaches that help drought-proof water supplies and the environment from the effects of rising temperatures and reduced snowpack

Sea Shells


  • Lead by example, by adopting and demonstrating sustainable resource use, daily business practices, and technologies that reduce stress on the Bay ecosystem
  • Promote policies, practices, and projects to aggressively conserve and reuse water in irrigated agriculture, landscaping, industry, and household use
  • Serve as a hub of collaboration for groups and communities working on sustainability campaigns, including sustainable seafood choices, coastal and shoreline cleanups, and climate action
Bay Ecotarium